Cowboy beans are a delicious and easy-to-make dish that is perfect for any occasion. Made with...
Author - Milena
Meatball soup
Meatball soup is a delicious and comforting dish that is perfect for a cold winter night. Made with...
Strawberry Cinnamon Rolls with Lemon Cream Cheese Glaze
Strawberry Rolls are filled with strawberry reduction and fresh strawberries. Roll them up, cut...
Apple Crisp Bites
Apple Crisp Bites – A little bite of heaven! Crispy baked oatmeal cookie crust on the outside, soft...
Napoleon Cake
Napoleon cake is a perfectly moist and deliciously creamy dessert made of crunchy puff pastry and...
An English classic! This Battenberg cake consists of fluffy checked sponge all sandwiched together...
Creamy Sausage Tortellini Soup
Creamy Sausage Tortellini Soup is a thick and creamy soup base with chunks of cooked pork sausage...
Old fashioned bread pudding
Old fashioned bread pudding with vanilla,bourbon or caramel sauce is an easy and simple homestead...
Melting Moments
Melting Moments – the most crumbly, buttery, and delicious cookies ever. So easy to make but...
German Chocolate Brownie Cookies
These German Chocolate Brownie Cookies are delicious, soft and chewy. Topped with gooey coconut...